Contact Us

Office hours:
Office phone:

M-F 1pm – 5pm EST Except for Holidays and Vacation.
828 455 6390

Who we are:

Highsmith Group was formed for me to market the Forgiveness™ Bracelet to people of faith. My efforts are channeled through large, rapidly expanding church memberships throughout the US to serve as a fundraiser to fuel growth.

Personal revenue generated through the sale of these Forgiveness Bracelets will enable me to give back a bit of my earnings to the Capital Campaign at Holy Trinity Church in Glendale Springs, North Carolina.  I will spend my physical eternity in the columbarium, which is in the undercroft of  this wonderful church

Holy Trinity Church  features the fresco, “The Lord’s Supper” created by Ben Long, an internationally acclaimed Fresco Artisan and North Carolina native. Other works in the church include Jeffrey Mims’ fresco “The Departure of Christ.” Holy Trinity church dates to the early 1900s.

What Others Say about Howard

“I have known and worked with Howard Highsmith for over fifteen years, and he is one of the most honest and ethical human beings that I know.”

Michael T. Marquardt, President & CEO •
Global Kompass Strategies, Inc.

“Howard is a deeply experienced and knowledgeable sales executive and thought leader, as well as a long-time contributor to the Flevy Marketplace. He has developed numerous thought provoking, innovative frameworks, which have been well received on Flevy. We are very privileged to have someone like Howard who continues to leverage our platform as a means of sharing his expertise with others.”

David Tang
CEO Marketplace

“Howard was directly responsible for initiating a plan that resulted in growing the company revenue from $14 million in sales to over $21m in eighteen months. His Revenue Mapping methodology was instrumental in helping him effectively manage the process.”

John Parrottino
Retired District Business Manager
BCS Americas for Hewlett Packard Company

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